
A few posts, before we go… we will make updates while we are in France; as well as using this blog as a place to do additional posts to highlight a few of our favorite photos from some of the best memories from the trip.

Pre-departure posting:

While the last two items are not in Paris downtown proper they are nearby, and were instrumental for us decide which tour of France we wanted to take, and which Tour Company we would use.

First, we should feature some of our planning for the trip. In the old days, buying a travel guide was sufficient; but, for us a lot of YouTube content was made easier. Some videos might appear without translation, or use captions in their native language, or may lack any script or even a plan of what should be said. But most of the videos are created with a natural sense of what to say and how to describe the best things to do while visiting Paris. I guess the popular ones, get naturally more views because the internet features the better quality production.

We also can credit many friends and family suggestions for “and App, to learn French” before we leave. In fact, about 300days ago we started using Duo Lingo to help dredge up some very old memories of French vocabulary and phrases that may help our ability to communicate.

Explore posts in the same categories: Church, France, History, LifeExperiences, Pipe Organ, Travel

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